Thinking so much about what a ministry and what it is formed and how it is, I could draw some conclusions. I'm part of one. I believe God gave me some gifts and I have to learn to use them.
I not only want to have a microphone in my hand and a guitar, and think that God only listens to me when it comes out loud. I don't want people around me that don't think I'm special or not tell me this, and that after a reprimand aren't able to hug me and say : "God is the best for your life, and He wants you to WORSHIP him and I want you to understand that... I'm here always bc God is the first in our lifes." I don't want to sing or play just bc it may bring me FAME.
I believe that both makes you sing for a crowd or go help child in the street, this two things are for God's work. I think that being happy to do it for the Lord and walk in Your house to worship Him with all my heart, is one of the most beautiful things there. I don't want a not union of my brothers. I don't want to just "work in hard mode". I want to live for God. I want to work for God. I want Him to know that nobody will take His throne within my heart.
I want someone who is ahead but knowing how to do it... to teach, to learn together. I don't want easyless, not. I want to be part of God's people in the best possible way... and I believe for that. I don't have to live the dream of another person, but God's dream for my life. And I want to leave He just say me this. I don't want to be known or successful only bc of music. I want to play and sing to people who need Christ and not my music... Some people are not teaching me this. Just teaching me that we have to work hard bc God want this, in music. And pray? "Don't have time now... ", teaching Word? "You need to find for yourself... bc I lived all of it, I know all the things that you THINK you know now."
I seek to know God first of all, and if this is on top of an altar or not, is He alone who knows. I dont want to give up my life bc there rather a misunderstanding of the text if that's what people think...
What interestes me is that Christ comes into their lives and mine. I want to be happy living for Christ, together with my brothers, and go through all I have to go through bc I know God is with me. Why do I have to suffer just for ONLY have fame and be know?
He alone knows my way. God is not a God of confusion...
And Lord, I know that I'm at your disposal wherever I go... is here, in Africa, at the altar, in Russia, in the slum, where the Lord wants me to go...
I want to but I must decrease and the Lord will grow on me. And when I go to sing for You, I want it only for You and not to people, bc according to His word, "technical" too much, hindrance. Do everything with love, as the Lord writed us. Be strong. Follow in peace with everyone. Rebuke our brothers with meekness. Be patiente and learn more from His word. EVANGELISM. Tell the world that "I died for them", tell the world that I'm alive again". If you go out into the world sometime, MAKE A DIFFERENCE AND SHOW for those who still don't know God
Live for GOD, only for HIM!
Follow your call and live the God's word.
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. - Matt 5:9
xoxo (:
xoxo (: